2021 04-15 SB CHANNEL
Captain Dave and his crew headed offshore twice today, once at 9a and again at 12n. The marine weather improved significantly yielding clear sunny skies, no wind and flat, calm seas. Sightings for the day included 5 humpback whales and 1 large ocean sunfish (Mola mola).
Our first sighting of the day was a small, shy humpback whale. We were 6 miles offshore and only had one decent look at this animal. Continuing northwest we located and had a great session watching a mother humpback with her calf. The calf hit every drifting, detached giant kelp paddy for some fun “kelping” playtime. Nearby we had nice looks at a very large ocean sunfish (Mola mola) which was in very blue, clear water as it drifted alongside the Condor Express.
At noon Dave headed back out to the same mother and calf humpback that provided such nice looks in the morning. The pair had moved southeast and was now 12 miles offshore near the middle of the Channel. This time the 2 were highly energetic. This was especially true of the calf. It rolled around frequently, threw its tail quite often and, on one special occasion, breached quite close to the boat. Mom reciprocated with a few monster tail-throws of her own. Wow!
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com