Image: A humpback whale is snapped close to the NOAA East Channel Buoy.
2023 08-07 SB Channel West
Sunny, no wind, calm and glassy seas with good water clarity today. Sightings included: 25 Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins, 2 Minke whales, 5 humpback whales and 2000 Long-Beaked Common Dolphins.
A highly active and aerial pod of Bottlenose Dolphins discovered the Condor Express just 2 miles southwest of the harbor. There were a lot of calves in this group and we had great looks. A pair of Minke Whales worked the perimeter of the area and everyone had great looks.
South of The Buoy, near The Lanes, we found multiple pods of common dolphins all over the area. This spot also harbored 5 Humpback whales. The whales were in a slow travel mode but, with the clear water, still produced excellent looks. Two of the five broke off on their own and one of this pair made a couple of close and friendly visits to the Condor Epress.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and