2021 09-12 SB Channel
The NOAA East Channel Buoy (Station 46053) was the epicenter of the majority of our humpback whales (6+ closely watched) and common dolphins (4000 watched) today. Sea birds and sea lions were also in the mix. Seas had were choppy and it was breezy, which kept the sun shining and the air fresh.
Our initial 4 whales were northeast of the buoy and were actively feeding subsurface. This resulted in some nice tail fluking. One individual threw its mighty tail. Another breached a few times away from the boat as we headed towards its location. Others made a couple of friendly approaches to take a look at the whale fans on the Condor Express. As previously mentioned, the foraging area also included thousands of dolphins.
On the way home there were even more dolphins and at least 2 more whales observed.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com
After having such wonderful sights further offshore (we were several miles south of San Miguel Island at one point) on our special 8-hour whale watch last month, Captain Dave is going to do it again! We’ll have plenty to time to explore every nook and cranny known to cetaceans and look for pelagic birds along the way.
Make your reservations now: Saturday, September 25 – 8am to 4pm
phone: 888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088
My report from the August trip is here:
All day trip with killer whales etc etc
I look forward to seeing you on board!