Image: a very friendly humpback whale pays us a visit.
2024 10–13 SB Channel
Captain Danny and the crew encountered overcast guys in the morning that broke into sunshine later in the trip. A light wind blew across the water and a light bump was experienced from stronger winds that blew overnight. Sightings were, once again, very good: 12+ humpback whales and 1500 dolphins.
From The Harbor out to The Kelp Farm there were about a dozen hotspot birdnados, each with 50 to 100 actively feeding dolphins. We moved southeast from there and found another pod of 200. We continued on our track. It was not long before we came upon 4 humpback whales. Lately, quite a few of the humpbacks have been getting the jump on their courtship behaviors which will peak when they migrate soon to subtropical waters. Today we saw chin-slaps, pec-slaps, and a lots of rolling with vocalization.
Close by was a trio of whales that made several close approaches to the Condor Express. After rounding The Buoy and heading north we found an additional 3 whales and had great looks. This was followed by two single whales which got friendly with us.
On the way home there were many more whale spouts all around in the distance.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry