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Mostly blue skies with great vistas, massive numbers of dolphins and a pair of humpbacks

Image: A humpback – whole body – Platform Holly in background

2023 09-01 SB Channel

Seas were calm today. There was an early high stratus layer but it burned to clear, blue skies early. A few light showers passed through the Channel. Sightings today included: 2 humpback whales, 4000 long-beaked common dolphins and 1000 short-beaked common dolphins.

Captain Dave reported the non-stop presence of common dolphins all day. There were no “super mega-pods,” just moderately sized pods, medium and small.

Dave and the crew headed south towards the Summerland oil platforms, then moved straight south to a spot east of The Buoy and in The Lanes. Here, among dolphins, we watched a pair of humpback whales. It was a mother with here not-so-tiny calf. The pair was rather business like, but mom fluked up a bit and they had nice, short dive times.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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