Condor Returns
The Condor is back. Due to the recent wheelhouse fire last Saturday afternoon aboard the Condor Express, the “original” Condor, a 90-ft all steel sport fishing boat based in San Diego, is returning this weekend to Sea Landing for a few months to run local whale watching trips.
Captain Fred Benko (1938 – 2013) built the original Condor and operated it as a sport fishing boat and then converted it to the original whale watching boat for the Santa Barbara Channel. In 2002 Benko’s “new” boat, the Condor Express, began operation out of Sea Landing. The original Condor, temporarily leased to the Condor Express, will service whale watching enthusiasts while repairs are made and the Condor Express returns home. At this time no accurate estimate is possible for the return of the Condor Express to Santa Barbara. We expect the return of the Condor Express this summer. For More information contact: Captain Mat Curto