After a few days off doing regularly scheduled maintenance and a tiny trickle of local rain, the Condor Express set a course for the humpback whale hot spot again today. Good news: our humpback whales are still at it ! Sea conditions were quite nice considering the thunderous winds to the east of the Santa Barbara Channel. None of these winds reached our spots today, and things were ideal for whale watching. In fact, it is supposed to get even better on Saturday and better still on Sunday.
The crew reports a total of 5 humpback whales today, including a lot of surface lunge feeding on anchovies. This has been going on for nearly 2 months straight as the whales fatten up for their southern winter migration. Along with the might humpback whales, 2 or 3 MInke whales were seen in the area and over 800 common dolphins came and played with the boat all day long.
Hope to see you on board this weekend! Best Bob Perry Condor Express
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