Hello friends, The sun peeked in and out of the cloud layer in the Santa Barbara Channel today, giving great light for the whales and dolphins that were seen in great numbers. The wild animal show included:
3 Blue Whales 4 Humpback Whales 2,000 Common Dolphins
1,000 California Sea Lions
1 Pacific Harbor Seal But that's not the whole story. Among the Blue Whales, there was a mother and her calf, and we had great looks at the pair. Out of the 4 Humpbacks, one came directly toward the Condor Express and played around within inches of the passengers. The dolphins came in two huge mega-pods of about 1,000 each, and there were many mother/calf pairs mixed in. The days ahead are forecast to continue the calm seas, and we expect the magnificent sightings to continue. No where else in the world can one get close to such a great variety of whales and dolphins. You can always direct interested persons to our photographic site for the daily images: www.CondorExpressPhotos.com
There is still room aboard tomorrow's trip. We depart 7 days a week at 10am and return to the Sea Landing in Santa Barbara Harbor around 230pm. Call 1-877-WHALE for reservations.
Best Fishes and have a WHALE of a day!
Bob Perry Staff Phototgrapher Condor Express