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Surrounded by active humpback whales again!


2020 11-05 SB Channel

Warm weather (perhaps the last of it for a while), and flat calm seas created optimum cetacean conditions. Captain Dave and his crew wasted no time surrounding the Condor Express with whales and dolphins resulting in optimum sightings today. Closely watched animals included 10+ humpback whales and 3000 long-beaked common dolphins. On a positive note, the crew reported that 6 deadly Mylar balloons were retrieved from the surface of the ocean, thus saving potential injury and death to various marine species.

On a southwesterly course heading, and about 10 miles outbound from Santa Barbara, The first of many whales were located and closely watched. This first individual was a juvenile and was surrounded by dolphins. (Dolphins would continue to feed and play among the remaining whales all day long).

A bit further southwest, and in The Lanes, a continuous line of activity stretched for several miles. Groups of humpbacks ranged in size from solitary beasts to groups of 5. Group sizes were in a constant state of flux as member whales came and went, some joining new temporary groups as the day progressed. The crew did its best to try and ensure our reported sightings did not re-count the same whale as it moved location…it was a challenge!

There was lots of activity observed among the whales today including surface lunge-feeding, pectoral fin slapping, rolling and pausing with a tall pec fin held straight up out of the water, and breaching. A nearby juvenile breached 3 or 4 times (our photographer, Adam, captured images of this. Look for his work online later today). Two different adults joined the aerial display club with a single breach each. These two were a bit distant, but with good visibility, seen by all. Dave also mentioned that many more spouts were seen in all directions, near and far!


Due to our first significant Pacific storm’s scheduled arrival tomorrow, NOAA has issued a high wind and rough seas warning. All trips have been cancelled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Let’s hope for rain!

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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301 W. Cabrillo Blvd

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