Image: humpback gets friendly
2023 07-08 SB Channel
Skies were partly cloudy with nice sunny blue patches. There was no wind…but…there was a bit of a bump on the water from winds far to the west overnight. Sightings included: 4 humpback whales and 1000 long-beaked common dolphins.
Dolphins found us just a few miles off The Mesa, and then 2 miles further south we watched a megapod of at least 1000 animals in a line that stretched out at least a mile. An old saying which came to mind and is NOT scientifically verified: “long lines = long-beaks.”
As we watched the megapod, we noticed lots of bird action and we found 2 whales in the mix. One was a very large adult. We continued southwest to an area near the NOAA East Channel Buoy that has been productive all week. Here we had a wonderful encounter with a friendly mother humpback and her calf.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and