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Writer's picture Bob Perry

Two trips result in 2 nice gray whale sightings, a humpback and a pod of bottlenose dolphins.

Image: gray whale pectoral flipper

2023 04-02 SB Coast

Two 2½ hour trips left the harbor today, one at 9a, the other at 12n. Captain Devin and the crew reported closely watching: 2 gray whales, 1 humpback and 10 coastal bottlenose dolphins.

On the morning run, we had blue skies. We ran a line parallel to the coast line and 4 miles offshore, from the harbor to Coal Oil Point. We located and had great looks at a pair of adult gray whales at the Point. They were rather preoccupied by their migratory, northbound travel mode.

At noon, a local dense fog bank brough near zero lateral visibility and, of course, made locating whales a bit more challenging. The crew headed east and fount a single adult humpback whale off Montecito. It was probably one of the whales we watched yesterday and was seen milling around, perhaps feeding in the area.

On the way back to the harbor, along the coast, we were located by a nice pod of 10 curious inshore bottlenose dolphins. The ran alongside and rode our wake waves.

You never know what mother nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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