Image: A humpback whale with white pecs sends up a nice spout.
2023 08-28 SB Channel
Captain Devin and the crew encountered clear, sunny skies and nearly zero wind. The sea surface, however, had a residual short-interval chop from winds offshore overnight. Sightings were good: 3 humpback whales and 3000 long-beaked common dolphins.
Just outside the kelp farm a parade of widely scattered dolphin pods continually located the Condor Express and rode our stern, bow and side waves. We’d eventually see lots more of them and in larger pods, especially in areas where whales were watched.
Our first whale was watched near the NOAA East Channel Buoy, as we were moving west to areas that have been productive earlier this week. The first humpback was a juvenile with long dive times and a hard to anticipate zig zag travel pattern. It did, however, show its tail flukes quite a lot.
In the west Channel, south of Elwood, we watched 2 adult humpback whales. These were in travel mode, showed tails on occasion, and once happened to surface quite close to the boat. Wonderful looks and an exciting encounter.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and