2019 04-19 SB Channel
Two trips left the docks today, one at noon and another at 3pm. Skies had a thick marine stratus layer all day, but the sea surface was very smooth and calm. Sightings for the day: 5 humpback whales, 1 Minke whale, and 200 long-beaked common dolphins.
Both trips ran to the deep southwest and ended up beyond Platform Habitat. On the noon trip we located two whales, one Minke and one humpback, just 4 miles south of the harbor. On route to the southwest we were greeted by a pod of dolphins and then ended the noon sightings with 3 additional humpback whales. The humpbacks all fluked-up nicely and had short down times.
On the afternoon excursion we encountered a single humpback whale. It had a beautiful all white tail. It was very busy below the surface and had very short surface intervals.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com