2019 09-12 SB Channel
We encountered glorious wildlife watching conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel today. Skies were sunny and blue. Seas were calm and so were the winds. Even the water was blue and clear! Sightings included 7 humpback whales and 2000 long-beaked common dolphins.
Our first of three sighting zones was southwest of Habitat. Here we located dolphins everywhere (as we have all summer), and two juvenile whales. One was “Snowflake,” with a distinctive all-white tail and black edge. At one point, Snowflake did some robust surface lunge-feeding as we were engaged in watching all the anchovies, with our heads down and looking. Talk about a friendly and hungry animal!
After moving west a bit, 2 adult whales and another juvenile were located and watched as they moved with dolphins to feed subsurface on the abundant anchovy bait balls. Again, the clear water enhanced the already wonderful viewing experience. California sea lions and all sorts of seabirds were also on this hot spot.
At our southernmost point in today’s track, another pair of juvenile whales was seen with more dolphins.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com