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A great variety of species and a lot of blue whales


Aug 9, 2012 Daily Whale and Dolphin Report:

Here are the species we watched closely today: 8 Blue Whales (more in binocular range) 2 Humpback Whale (including “Rope”…read below) 2 Fin Whales 1 Minke Whale 500 Common Dolphins 2 rehabilitated sea lions released (read below)

The breeze was less today and at first there was a little overcast out on the grounds today, but after noon it burned off to a nice sunny day for whales. Simply put, there were spouts everywhere. There are a lot of summer blue whales on the grounds, and a few humpback whales. Among the humpbacks was our old friend “Rope,” who we identify by her prominent entanglement scar. We were surprised to see a minke whale surface a few times as they are usually shy, and two newcomers: a pair of fin whales on the grounds. If that was not enough fun for marine mammal lovers, the Condor Express had two special guests on board, two small California sea lions that were picked up on the beaches and campgrounds of Ventura county. These animals were rehabilitated at CIMWI in Gaviota (Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Center), and when they became healthy and gained a little weight, it was time to release them today back into the wild with the rest of their clan. Lots of fun. I’ll post the photos on the boat photo site tomorrow.

Call 888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to book your trip. Bob Perry

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