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Amazing cetacean diversity!

(Above: a speedy Dall’s porpoise in the Santa Barbara Channel)

2022 11-27 SB Channel

Cetacean diversity was high today as we closely watched 5 different species today. Weather and sea conditions were good, with mostly sunny skies and light winds. Totals included: 1 Minke whale, 2 humpback whales, 1000 long-beaked common dolphins, 500 short-beaked common dolphins and 20 Dall’s porpoise.

One mile south of Leadbetter Beach we watched a single, fast moving Minke whale for a brief encounter. Also, in this area we began our common dolphin sightings for the day with a small group of 25 long-beaks.

A bit further offshore, a mega pod of long-beaked common dolphins located the Condor Express and we enjoyed watching them surf our bow, side, and stern waves.

As Captain Devin and the crew swerved a bit to avoid a single patch of dense fog, we encountered our first Dall’s porpoise of the late fall/winter season. These living, black and white torpedoes gave us fast looks and a few rode our bow at one point.

In the northbound shipping lane, both of our humpback whales were watched. They had long down times but gave us a great double-tail fluke goodbye on our final sighting.

Near the NOAA East Channel Buoy, we found an animated pod of short-beaked common dolphins. Their high-flying leaps, tail-walking, and chin-slapping was great to see!

The crew also removed 1 deflated, floating, Mylar balloon from the ocean surface.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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