The “original” Condor
Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the “original” Condor, a 90-ft all steel sport fishing boat based in San Diego, will return to the Sea Landing for a few months and run whale watching trips. Capt Fred Benko (1938 – 2013) built the Condor and operated it as a sport fishing boat AND it was the original whale watching boat for the Santa Barbara Channel until 2002 when Fred’s “new” boat, the Condor Express, came to town. The original Condor, temporarily leased to the Condor Express, will service our whale watching enthusiasts for a short while until repairs are made and the CX comes home. At this time no accurate estimate is possible for the return of the CX to SB, but we are all keeping our fingers crossed and working hard with an eye towards early Summer.
See you on board!
Bob Perry Condor Express Odd Jobs