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Great blue whale watching continues!


2020 09-30 SB Channel East

The gloomy high stratus marine layer got blown-out early this morning and the rest of the day was bright and sunny. The moderate breeze did not result in any negative impacts on finding and watching cetaceans. Sightings today included: 8+ giant blue whales, 100 long-beaked common dolphins, and 2 dangerous Mylar balloons were retrieved.

The only dolphin pod was medium-sized and located the Condor Express when we were about 8 miles out from the harbor. The results of this interaction included watching animals ride our boat waves AND the natural ocean swells caused by the prevailing breeze. It was wild and yet refreshing at the same time.

The Lanes north of the east end of Santa Cruz Island have been hot for over 2 months, and today was no exception. We closely watched 8 giant blues that were on asynchronous diving cycles. The net result was the presence of at least one giant up and watchable at all times. This was not only really good whale behavior, but, again, the sea conditions really enhanced the sighting. Many more spouts were seen in the outlying areas around our “land of the giants” hotspot.

On the way home the crew stopped and removed 2 floating, de-gassed Mylar balloon death bags from the ocean surface

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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