2019 05-30 SB Channel
There was a bit of wildlife in the Channel itself today, but most of it was out near the islands. And so was the sun, as fate and good fortune would have it. Totals for the trip included: 4 humpback whales, 200 offshore bottlenose dolphins, and 150 California sea lions. There was lots of action!
Our first stop was to watch a single whale about a mile off UCSB. After watching this whale, Captain Dave and the crew took a direct course offshore towards the Santa Cruz Channel which lies between Santa Cruz Island and Santa Rosa Island. On this track, and just past The Lanes, there was a massive area of wildlife feeding.  Birds were diving, and mobs of California see lions were very active. There were three more whales feeding in this area and we were busy watching them when a large pod of very active offshore bottlenose dolphins came through and put on a show. We don’t see these big dolphins too often but when we do it’s always a treat! You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and