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Humpbacks wow their fans. Dolphins and more dolphins share the stage.


2021 06-13 SB Channel

Captain Colton and his crew combed the Channel from Santa Barbara Harbor to Santa Cruz Island in moderately bumpy seas. Skies started out foggy and cleared to bright sun near the island. Sightings were fabulous: 6 humpback whales, 2500 long-beaked common dolphins, 25 offshore bottlenose dolphins and 150 California sea lions.

One hour after departing the harbor a mega pod of common dolphins located the Condor Express. It was a spread out group and provided wonderful looks for a nice interactive period.

North of the northbound lanes a mother humpback with her calf were spotted and they soon warmed up and became seriously boat-friendly. The curious little calf devoted time and energy to a mob of at least 50 sea lions.

Moving closer to the island and off Fraser Point two separate adult whales were watched. One was so huge it prompted our veteran deckhand and spotter, Devin to comment “it was the biggest humpback whale I’ve ever seen!” “The girth was enormous,” said Colton. The beast threw her monstrous tail and did some surface rolls. Both took the time to MUG THE CONDOR EXPRESS.

If that was not enough excitement for one sighting, a pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins passed through the humpback action zone.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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