2017 07-16 SB Channel
It was a hot and hazy day with ideal ocean conditions for finding wildlife. Captain Eric took command of the Condor Express and his team located the following: 10 humpback whales, 75 offshore bottlenose whales, and 1,200 long-beaked common dolphins.
A single humpback whale was watched, alongside several dozen common dolphins, about 2 miles out from Santa Barbara Harbor. Eric then ran southwest to the 50-fathom curve, turned the boat east and rode along enjoying the day. Soon several additional humpback whales were located as they foraged with common dolphins, seabirds and California sea lions. There was a mother humpback and her calf in the group. The calf breached several times, once very close to the boat. It also spent some time on the surface rolling about.
Moving further offshore, on a line towards Santa Cruz Island, a couple of additional humpbacks were seen in very clear water. The water was so clear we were able to see the northern anchovy schools that everything feeds on, and the fish came to the Condor Express to try and escape. One large humpback also breached.
Out towards Santa Cruz Island there were countless pods of common dolphins and a pod of at least 75 offshore bottlenose dolphins. The offshore bottlenose dolphins had a few calves in the pod, and dolphins of all ages were very animated and acrobatic.
On the way home, and close to the harbor, several dozen more common dolphins were watched.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express