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Ideal seas yield 2 species of dolphins and 1 species of whale

2019 11-07 SB Channel

There were hazy skies in the Channel today, a mixture of residual smoke from the fires that are approaching 100% containment, and some low fog. Seas were flat and calm. Sightings for the day included 500 short-beaked common dolphins, 1000 long-beaked common dolphins and one humpback whale.

Out near the NOAA buoy we found a medium-sized herd of highly active short-beaked common dolphins. While watching them do their tail-walking and high-flying, a single humpback whale came into the picture. It was a very watchable whale with short down times, long surface times and great tail-fluking.

Next up was a tour along the majestic sea cliffs of Santa Cruz Island and a short visit inside the worlds longest sea cave, the Painted Cave. Conditions were ideal for caving today. After exiting the Cave we ran northeast to search new areas for wildlife. Along the way there were several small pods of long-beaked common dolphins and one very large one. These animals were lined-up for over 2 miles and had quite a few jumpers in the mix

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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