Plenty of humpback action and a Blue whale too
Off the west end of Santa Cruz Island we located a single #bluewhale today….feeding on deep krill…taking very long dives. But as we ran in tight to the island (in visibility ranging from 1 to 4 miles), we discovered a “mother lode” of #humpback whales. Some of these humpbacks were lunge feeding on the surface, and judging by the amount of dolphin, sea lion and seabird activity, the prey today was most likely anchovies. In the midst of the knobby headed beasts were 2 mother-calf pairs and one of the calves was very curious and playful. At one point the little guy breached next to the boat. Several of these whales made friendly passes, as if to say “hello.” Many more spouts were seen in the near distance. Sea conditions were very calm and glassy and it was a special trip today indeed.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob PerryCondor Express