A larger female humpback whale kicks up her tail flukes as her calf swims alongside.
Spectacular Blue, Calm and Full of Life
It was gorgeous. Although we could see a fog bank way to the southeast shrouding West Anacapa Island, we saw nothing but blue today – water and skies included. The common dolphins were even more fun than usual to watch in the clear water and on a mirror class surface. We estimated at least 750 #dolphins all together. There were also 2 humpback whales: the white-on-both-sides-pectorals calf, and its mother. Rather interesting behavior from these two as they dove down for a 10 – 12 minute bottom time, then came up and rested, in fact logged, both ON the surface and just BENEATH the surface. Great views were had by all. After playing with the humpback #whales, Captain Eric ran us over to the eastern end of Santa Cruz Island where we also found super clear water and a mirror glass surface. Lots of hikers atop the sea cliffs looked down on the kayakers. We never even thought about putting on a jacket or sweatshirt all day, that’s how warm and nice it was out on the Santa Barbara Channel. Two reasonably nice Minke whales were also sighted today.
We are closed to the public on Monday and Tuesday, but back in action the rest of the week.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express