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Writer's picture Bob Perry

Spectacular summer conditions and epic humpback and dolphin throngs!

image: A humpback whale does a "chin-lift"

2023 06-25 SB Channel

What an ideal day for wildlife watching in the Channel! Skies were sunny and bright. Seas were calm and there was not much wind. Closely watched cetaceans included: 6 humpback whales and 5000 long-beaked common dolphins.

Captain Devin and the crew of the Condor Express headed south out of the harbor and found all of the above animals without deviating from that course heading. The first large numbers of dolphins and our first 4 whales were found about 6 miles offshore. They were mostly in transit mode, but one whale went on a small binge of chin-lifts. (See today’s photograph).

The second hot spot was about 10 miles out. Among the thousands of dolphins were a pair of whales that became very friendly. This friendship took the form of a 30-minute mugging episode and was fantastic to see.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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