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Three gray whales.

2018 03-02 SB Coast – The Santa Barbara coastline was under an overcast sky and seas were calm for the duration of our excursion.  A total of 3 gray whales were closely watched.  This trip ran from 12 noon to 23o pm.

The first whale was a juvenile, as are most of the whales we are seeing these days, and it was located near Hendry’s Beach and followed west to Goleta Bay.  The whale spent most of this time underwater and was a tiny bit shy.

Later, near the Douglas Family Preserve, an additional 2 gray whales were found traveling together.  The pair was much easier to follow than the earlier whale.  The pair swam just beneath the surface so we had no trouble following along given the nice water clarity.

On the way back to the harbor Dave searched deeper water for additional cetaceans.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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