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Two Gray Whales put on a real show

Two Gray Whales put on a real show

High noon.  Just off the extinguished Santa Barbara Light.  Conditions: calm, sunny, clear skies, blue waters.  It was against these staging elements that Captain Dave and his crew of experts had a magical encounter with two medium-small, probably juvenile, southbound gray whales.  At first the pair came up to the boat and milled around, obviously mistaking Santa Barbara for San Ignacio Lagoon.  They fluked up and had some very long surface times that yielded fantastic looks by every human on board.  Then, to bring the show to a crescendo ending, the two youngsters breached repeatedly….obviously sensing that I was not on board to photograph this behavior ! Sigh.  It’s a tough life, but at least Dave’s crew and all the passengers had a big show.  On the edge of the giant kelp forest approximately 20 friendly, large, inshore bottlenose dolphins played with us.

Only a 12 noon showtime again tomorrow… You just never know what Mom (Mother Nature) will provide…or “abide”

Bob “The Dude” Perry Condor Express

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