Happy Holidays Whale Lovers!
Today the Condor Express, with Captain Mat at the helm, headed out between Santa Rosa Island and Santa Cruz Island to try our luck finding southbound migrating Gray Whales. And here is what the Condor Expressly watched today:
1 Gray Whale (very cooperative female…awesome looks!) 15 Dall's Porpoise (the black and white torpedos) lots of young California Sea Lions rafting and cavorting near Sta Cruz Island (approximately 100 individuals)
I'll post up the photos online tomorrow on the boat photo site: www.CondorExpressPhotos.com
Remember, the Condor Express is the ONLY full-time whale watching boat operating in the Santa Barbara Channel from Oxnard to Point Conception. You never know what Mother Nature has in store for you in the way of fabulous sightings when you come on board. We watch whales every day of the year (except Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day). Make your after-Christmas trip reservations now and join the Gray Whale migration and whatever else is happening out there. Call
888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to book your trip. Visit our website: www.CondorExpress.com
Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day!
Bob Perry
Condor Express