Whale Watchers, Another gorgeous day on the Channel and here is what the Condor expressly saw: 10 Gray Whales 2 Bottlenose Dolphins (near the Harbor)
You never know what Mother Nature has in store for you in the way of fabulous sightings when you come on board. Make your reservations (9am, 12 noon, or 3pm) now and see the mighty Gray Whales as they migrate back home to Alaska, plus whatever else is happening out there in our wonderful Channel. Call 888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to book your trip.
Visit our website: www.CondorExpress.com>
In addition to the expert crew on the Condor Express with over 35 years of experience, Channel Islands Naturalist Corps volunteer naturalists, representatives from the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park, are also available to answer your questions during the trip. Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day!