2019 09-28 SB Channel
A fantastic and hearty group of seafaring passengers braved strong winds and rough seas to get great looks at 1 humpback whale and 1000 long-beaked common dolphins. This was not a trip for the meek, as Captain Dave pointed out dockside prior to embarking. Those that did stay seemed to really enjoy the salt spray and other delights that many land-lubbers would gladly forgoe. By the way, none of these good people had wooden legs, eye patches, or drank grog during the sightings.
Seriously, we located a single juvenile whale in the middle of The Lanes, northeast of The Cave. In the same region we had 4 or 5 groups of dolphins, each with a couple hundred individuals. It is always a thrill to see our dolphins “in their element,” riding down the face of the wind-swept breakers and enjoying every second of it.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com
PS. It is that time of year again. We’ll be down for maintenance every Monday and Tuesday for a few months.