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An afternoon breeze, krill on the surface, and lunge-feeding big boys (and girls)


Friends, We ran two oil seep educational tours this morning up to Platform Holly, and then the Condor Express ran a special 1pm – 5pm afternoon trip and we were up on the feeding grounds again today. Here is what we watched closely today:

3 Blue Whales 5 Humpbacks 5 Bottle nose Dolphins 50 Common Dolphins

There were many, many more spouts in the breeze everywhere around us. 

NOTES:  Today we saw the same cow-calf Blue whale (mom has a ridge-back and easy to identify).  We also saw a cow-calf Humpback and mom turns out to be our old pal “Rope.”  This is her 3rd calf in 10 years as seen by the Condor crew.  The calf was very tiny, but very active.  The winds had the krill all balled-up in patches on the surface, the two big species were swimming from patch to patch like a moveable feast!   Plenty of surface lunge feeding was observed by both the Blues and Humpbacks.  This was very special indeed and well worth the trip out in the wind.

Don't forget to check out the photos from today's adventures after noon tomorrow:

Sign up now to see the show, you never know what Mother Nature has in store for you in the way of fabulous sightings when you come on board. Make your reservations now and see the Humpbacks, Blues, plus  whatever else is happening out there in our wonderful Channel.  We are truly fortunate to live and play where we do, and this is the best it gets as far as the early Summer season goes.

Call 888-77WHALE  or 805-882-0088 to book your trip. Visit our NEW website: …or to view images from previous trips: In addition to the expert crew on the Condor Express with over 35 years of experience, Channel Islands Naturalist Corps volunteer naturalists, representatives from the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park, are usually on board and available to answer your questions during the trip.  Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day! Bob Perry Condor Express

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301 W. Cabrillo Blvd

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


(805) 882-0088

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