What a day!
Yes, this trip was definitely for the birds as the Condor Express teamed up with LA Audubon for a 9-hour offshore pelagic bird trip. The adventure left the dock at a foggy 7am, crossed the Channel and headed south of the islands where we found blue skies and light winds. Pelagic bird target species were hunted around Santa Cruz Basin, a huge deep area that runs 20 miles or so out past Santa Cruz Island. At one point we were approximately 20 miles from Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara Island an San Nicolas Island.
Here is what the Condor Expressly watched today: 2 Humpback Whales 1000 California Sea Lions (on the rookery grounds at East Anacapa Island) 25 Common Dolphins 1 Northern Elephant Seal 1 Northern Fur Seal 4 Pacific Harbor Seals (3 at Anacapa, 1 in the Harbor)
Pelagic Birds observed included: Longtail Jaeger Pomarine Jaeger South Polar Skua Northern Fulmar Black Storm Petrel Least Storm Petrel Pink footed Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Black vented Shearwater Fork-tailed Storm Petrel Sabines Gull Arctic Tern Royal Tern and all the usual gulls, pelicans, cormorants we see all the time.
The Condor Express teams up with LA Audubon several times a year for these amazing adventures. Look for the 2011 schedule to be posted shortly. You never know on a day to day basis what mother nature has in store. But it is always an amazing day full of sea creatures and adventures on the high seas when the Condor Express leaves the dock every day at 10am regularly. Hope to see you and your associates out there… Sign up now and tell your friends. Call 1-888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to get your name on the list before all the spots fill up. Photographs from today's trip, as well as most weekend and holiday trips will be available online at www.CondorExpressPhotos.com
Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day ! Bob Perry Condor Express