Whale and Dolphin Lovers, OMG! It was another a sparkling, bright, sunny day with clear skies and blue water. The Condor Express ran east again today, and found lots and lots of amazing activity which is described below. Remember, we are the only full time whale watching boat on the Channel these days and we run trips W, Th, F, Sa and Sun. You never know on a day to day basis what mother nature has in store. But it is always an amazing day full of sea creatures and adventures on the high seas when the Condor Express leaves the dock every day at 10am regularly. And if that is not enough to excite you and your customers, the Condor Express is now officially on its “off season” ticket price schedule: $75 for adults and only $50 for kids. Get the best for less! Today's sightings include:
1,500 Common Dolphins (in several groups) 4 Humpback Whales
5 or 6 Minke Whales
50 California Sea Lions (acting like, and mingling amongst, the Common Dolphins) Enjoy the natural wonders of the Santa Barbara Channel and the northern Channel Islands while the weather is spectacular. Sign up now and tell your friends. There should be plenty of spots available for our next trip, but the only way to guarantee you'll have a ticket to board is to make a reservation if you have time, SO call 1-888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to get your name on the list. Photographs from today's trip and most weekends/holidays are available online at www.CondorExpressPhotos.com Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day ! Bob Perry Condor Express