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The humpback invasion is here

The humpback invasion is here

Captain Dave and the Condor Express closely watched 12 humpback whales today.  However, Dave reports seeing between 25 and 30 total individual spouts on the feeding grounds.  With a moderate wind (a skoch less than yesterday, and medium seas, the humpbacks did not disappoint.  Many were very friendly.  Several did some pectoral fin slapping and there was also some breaching going on, although it was not in the immediate vicinity of the boat today. There was also some instances of surface lunge feeding, but not right in tight to us.   In the mix there were two mother-calf humpback pairs…always a treat to watch.  To put icing on the cake, as it were, Dave also reports massive numbers of common #dolphins all over the grounds all day long…his estimate:  at least 4,000.  Wow.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store Bob Perry Condor Express

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