Whale and Dolphin Folks !
A fair breeze on the grounds today, but the whales and dolphins did not disappoint.
Here is what the Condor Expressly watched today: 5 Humpback Whales 25 California Sea Lions 400 Common Dolphins
As a side note, the Humpbacks were friendly and did come close to the boat and take a look, and one put on a show with repeated “tail throws.” Wow.
You never know on a day to day basis what mother nature has in store. But it is always an amazing day full of sea creatures and adventures on the high seas when the Condor Express leaves the dock every day at 10am regularly. Hope to see you and your associates out there… Sign up now and tell your friends. Call 1-888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to get your name on the list before all the spots fill up. Photographs from weekend and holiday trips are available online at www.CondorExpressPhotos.com
Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day ! Bob Perry Condor Express