On behalf of all of us at CONDOR Express we hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
On Saturday, April 3, the CONDOR Express ran 3 trips and watched a total of 5 Humpback Whales, 5 Gray Whales, and about 1500 Common Dolphin.
On Sunday, April 4, the CONDOR Express ran 3 trips and we were surprised with our FIRST Blue Whale of the season. We also watched 3 Gray Whales, 4 Humpback Whales, 1 Fin Whale, and about 2600 Common Dolphin!
Monday, April 5 we will be running 1 whale watching trip at 12:00pm. Please call us at 1-888-77WHALE if you would like to come out.
Hope to see you aboard,
The CONDOR Express Crew