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Whale Watch Report for March 24, 2010

This week we have had some beautiful weather and fantastic Marine Mammal sightings in our Santa Barbara Channel.  There seems to have been a problem with our e-mail updates the last couple of days so I will recap our week so far:

Sunday, March 21, we ran 3 trips and watched a total of 12 Humpback Whales, 1 Gray Whale, and about 1500 Common Dolphin.

Monday, March 22, we ran 1 trip and watched a total of 2 Humpback Whales and 500 Common Dolphin.

Tuesday, March 23, we ran 2 trips and watched a total of 4 Humpback Whales, 3 Gray Whales, and about 1000 Common Dolphin.

Today was an eventful day on the water.  The CONDOR Express ran 3 trips and we watched a total of 14 Humpback Whales, 2 Gray Whales, and about 75 Common Dolphin.  We had Humpback Whales breaching, spyhopping, pectoral fin flaps, and friendly close encounters.  Attached are a couple pictures one of our crew took from their Iphone.

Tomorrow the CONDOR Express is scheduled to run all 3 of its' trips at 9am, Noon, and 3pm.  Please call SEALanding at 1(888) 77-WHALE to make a reservation.

We look forward to having you out,

The CONDOR Express Crew

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